Clean Harbors, Inc. engages in the provision of environmental, energy, and industrial services. It operates through the Environmental Services and the Safety-Kleen Sustainability Solutions segments. The Environmental Services segment consists of the technical services, industrial services, field services, and oil, gas, and lodging businesses. The Safety-Kleen Sustainability Solutions segment includes parts washer services, containerized waste services, vac services, used motor oil collection, and sale of base and blended oil products. The company was founded by Alan S. McKim in 1980 and is headquartered in Norwell, MA.


NORWELL, MA 02061-9149



Number of Employees



Buyback Data 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Average
$ Amount Purchased
($ in 000s )
$107,133 $75,531 $27,808 $52,119 $48,345 $28,822 $80,150 $65,218 $58,956 $64,962 $14,541 $56,689
Average Price $53.02 $51.61 $48.35 $54.09 $55.31 $71.27 $62.23 $92.35 $94.71 $155.76 $193.66 $66.27
# Shares Purchased 2,020,480 1,463,526 575,090 963,587 874,018 404,429 1,288,067 706,187 622,502 417,078 75,083 855,459
Buyback Performance 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Average
Total Return to Date 358.3% 370.9% 402.5% 349.3% 339.3% 241.0% 290.5% 163.1% 156.6% 56.0% 25.5% 266.7%
S&P 500 Return to Date 181.9% 173.0% 168.6% 129.7% 104.9% 93.1% 74.8% 31.7% 37.3% 31.3% 7.4% 94.0%
Excess Total Return 176.4% 197.9% 233.9% 219.5% 234.4% 147.9% 215.7% 131.5% 119.3% 24.7% 18.1% 172.7%
Quartile Rank
Percentile Rank 87% 89% 91% 93% 94% 91% 94% 96% 96% 86% 83% 96%
Buyback returns calculated using weighted average buyback price over the last 10 years and comparing to current day stock price value. S&P 500 used as benchmark for excess return.

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