Civitas Resources, Inc. is an independent exploration and production company, which focuses on the acquisition, development, and production of crude oil and associated liquids-rich natural gas primarily in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado and the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Denver, CO.


555 - 17TH STREET, SUITE 3700
DENVER, CO 80202



Number of Employees



Buyback Data 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Average
$ Amount Purchased
($ in 000s )
$554 $2,297 $491 $4,995 $1,597 $1,080 $994 $5,626 $17,951 $332,450 $199,708 $51,613
Average Price $27.97 $23.61 $1.99 $10.64 $30.72 $23.19 $15.41 $44.75 $56.65 $61.44 $68.55 $58.15
# Shares Purchased 19,809 97,275 246,222 469,576 51,982 46,561 64,506 125,740 316,884 5,410,952 2,913,154 887,515
Buyback Performance 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Average
Total Return to Date 85.9% 120.3% 2,509.9% 388.8% 69.3% 124.3% 237.4% 16.2% -8.2% -15.4% -24.1% -10.6%
S&P 500 Return to Date 181.9% 173.0% 168.6% 129.7% 104.9% 93.1% 74.8% 31.7% 37.3% 31.3% 7.4% 94.0%
Excess Total Return -95.9% -52.7% 2,341.3% 259.1% -35.6% 31.1% 162.5% -15.4% -45.5% -46.7% -31.6% -104.5%
Quartile Rank
Percentile Rank 55% 64% 99% 94% 64% 78% 91% 60% 38% 21% 10% 35%
Buyback returns calculated using weighted average buyback price over the last 10 years and comparing to current day stock price value. S&P 500 used as benchmark for excess return.

Insider Transactions


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